Friday 28 October 2016

COP3 Tutorial 2

Main Points from tutorial

• New question title:
'To what extent do trends in post-1980's wrestling reflect current social, cultural & political values?'

• The practical brief is clear & concise. Well focused and in a good position to move forward into design & development work

• Need to stop the research into my dissertation as I now have enough to go on.

• Focus chapter 2 on; How wrestling has changed 1930-1990 - good vs evil (characters)
  Focus chapter 3 on; How wrestling has changed 1990-2016
  The increase in violence,merchandising, adult themes,female athlete involvement. PG-rating a possible return to family values? 

• GET WRITING! 3000 words max. Start structuring, including quotes.

• Start sketchbook development works for the practical response.



Revisions to practical response proposal & brief, based on the peer feedback from last week.
In regards to the practical proposal, I was aware that I was possibly giving myself a bit too much to make, but I did want to consider a range of different tangible mediums to produce the work on. So rather than proposing 5 different character print designs, with 5 different laser-cut keyrings, with 5 different wall hanging designs etc, Fred suggested I develop and propose all 5 different character packages, but only physically make one of them. The 'package' idea is a great shout, and has already given me ideas for other items of merchandise I could add to each Luchador character package, including stationary and action, prints & figures, exactly the sort of thing I'd get hyped about shopping for, or ordering from the WWF catalog when I was a young fan in the 80's/90's. 

I'm probably getting a bit ahead of myself with the action figures mind you, but also not.I'm looking into it!

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