Thursday 20 October 2016

Peer session/ Proposal refining & feedback

Going into this peer session and trying to explain out loud what my dissertation is about has caused me to think that it's maybe not quite as focused as it should be, and that I'm not entirely sure what it is about hypermasculinity/pro wrestling/gender roles/changing perceptions of masculinity that I'm actually going to be writing on. The practical response side of things has also been pretty vague but has recently been following my research into Mexican wrestling and it's origins towards the theme of Lucha Libre masks. What i do wth that theme is still up in the air, but the peer feedback has helped me to at least realise that i was proposing a bit too much.

Initial proposal with peer notes

Looking back at i can see they might have a point, especially if i was looking into producing work that involved laser cutting wood. But i was just trying to branch out a bit, and try something i wasn't even aware about - rather than just proposing to make some poster prints,which i always seem to be proposing (not that posters aren't acceptable).

There's also a part of me that wants to hold back on the woodcut investigation and use it as one of my Extended Practice projects after Xmas, in the 2nd/3rd semester, when I'd possibly have more time to experiment and get it wrong before submitting.The possible subject matter for that (80's pop culture characters) would possibly also give me more material to play with than trying to work with just Luchador/Aztek god mask designs. 

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