Monday 10 October 2016

Why a six-pack is no longer enough…


Anyone who cares about how they look longs for a flatter stomach. But for some years now, those in search of physical perfection have aspired to the sort of midriff known as a “six-pack”. It takes determination, hard graft and willpower to strengthen the muscle concerned – the rectus abdominis – and whittle down body fat sufficiently. Few achieve it, but for those who do the prize is worth it.

In 2012 it seems every Olympic athlete worth their medals (Tom Daley, Jessica Ennis, Ryan Lochte, Michael Phelps and Christine Ohuruogu among them) sports the V lines, too – an indicator of a superlative muscular core and minimal body fat.

It is small wonder that so many male models and celebrities – anyone with a penchant for skimpy clothing, or likely to be snapped on the beach by the paparazzi – have followed suit. No self-respecting A-lister, from Nicole Scherzinger and Jennifer Lopez to Heidi Klum, Cameron Diaz, LeAnn Rimes, Gisele Bündchen and Marisa Miller, now slips into a Missoni two-piece without checking that while the tan lines aren’t showing, her V lines are.

There is another factor involved, adds Freeland: age. “You have to be fit and lean, which means low body fat.” Youth, gilded or not, is, less likely to be hiding a Victory V under drifts of fat, piled high like autumn jumpers.


Beer bellies are in, Biceps are out: Introducing the 'Dad Bod'

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