Thursday 27 October 2016

52 Events That Changed Pro Wrestling History…

WWE Panorama: 
52 Events That Changed Pro Wrestling History
(By Chinmay ,Jun 21, 2012)

3. Discovery of "the Fake"

Until the 1910's, it was a common belief that wrestling was as legitimate as any other sport. Therefore, kayfabe nature of the business was a carefully guarded trade secret.

Somewhere around 1915, it was revealed that wrestling was "fake". The hostile media campaign was carried out to highlight its illegitimacy. The mistrust among the people led to massive decline in the popularity of pro wrestling.

This was the first scandalous jolt wrestling had experienced. However, as we will see, the business used this to its advantage in the coming years.


7. Ali Baba

The whole concept of wrestling gimmicks started with the gimmick called “Ali Baba.”

The name is suggestive, is it not? It was a gimmick based on an Arabic individual, which was played by Harry Ekizian, a great heel of the 1930s.

Alibaba is considered to be the first ever gimmick to be utilized completely in pro wrestling. It was his unique in-ring identity which shot him to the pinnacle of his career. It was his success that led to all anti-USA heels and all-American heroes of many eras.


8. The T.V. Revolution and the First Golden Age

Thanks to the TV revolution, matches began to be aired nationally during the 1950s. It took wrestling to a larger fanbase than ever before. This was a time of enormous growth for professional wrestling, as increasing fame and national expansion made it a marquee form of entertainment.

This period is billed as the first "Golden Age" for the wrestling industry. It was also a time of great change in both the character and professionalism of wrestlers as a result of the appeal of television.


13. Blood

It was in the 1950s that the blood made its foray into the wrestling.

During this period, hundreds of new wrestlers began fresh without any professional training or apparent wrestling skills. They began with dreams of becoming televised superstars. It affected the industry, as the product began to lose athletic talent. So, increasingly, these performers began to use blood as their USP.

The second factor was the slow decline of industry in late the 1950s. Due to the loss of high ratings, blood was a desperate attempt of many promoters. It became a niche for some, and the tradition still continues.


15. Bobo Brazil Wins the NWA Title

In 1962, Bobo Brazil created history by winning the NWA heavyweight title, although the landmark is riddled with ambiguity.

He was the first ever African American wrestler to win the world title. Bobo was enormously popular with the crowd, and he feuded with the likes of Killer Kowalski, Dick the Bruiser, Johnny Valentine, and The Sheik during his career.

Bobo Brazil is often credited for breaking the glass ceiling that prevented minority wrestlers from becoming successful in pro wrestling. He paved the way for a better future for superstars like Harlem Heat, Ron Simmons and The Rock.

Considering how even today race is treated with a distant hint of social stigma, the feat of Bobo Brazil can never be overestimated.


19. Superstar Billy Graham

Superstar Billy Graham debuted in 1970. He was the great heel of his time and a multiple time WWF champion.

His glamorous persona and that beefed up physic paved the way for almost all wrestlers we have seen. He could easily be the source of Vince's ideal image of a "WWE Superstar."

Hulk Hogan modeled himself on the footprints of Graham. Even Triple H acknowledges that he is influenced by Graham's persona.


24. Hulkamania

The first half of 1980s was marked by the patriotic charisma of then U.S. president Ronald Reagan.

Vince traced the pulse of the society. He therefore gave the WWF belt to Iron Sheik, a great "foreign heel."

The moment Hulk Hogan beat Sheik, the ultimate American hero of the WWF was born, and "Hulkamania" had begun.

Hulk Hogan became a name that eventually reached every doorstep in the U.S. He became a cultural icon. The gate sales, the TV ratings and the WWF's popularity shot to the sky.


31. The Steroid Scandal

The steroid scandal rocked the industry in early 1990s. It profoundly affected the social and political standing of the industry. It put a huge question mark on the already fragile legitimacy of the WWF.

It clouded and tarnished the legacy of legends such as Hulk Hogan. It created a massive stir that led to the acrimonious trial of Vince McMahon.

The Steroid Scandal threatened to almost shut down the WWF. It would have probably been the biggest blow to the U.S. pro wrestling industry.

The immediate outcome of the scandal was intensified scrutiny of the company, and introduction of a short-lived wellness policy that lasted until 1996.

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