After a thorough research, where I've even learnt how to pronounce some of these guy's names properly, I've come to the point where i decided i won't be basing the Luchadors on Gods and Creatures of the Aztec calendar - but just the Gods, as there's far more potential with those as opposed to the simple animals signs.Some of the Gods feature creatures of some sort so they cold still appear in there somewhere.They'll still be broken into opposition groups as is the norm in pro wrestling;
2x Good (Babyface), 2x Evil (Heel) 2x Anti-Heroes, who do both good and evil and could flirt between the two, as is also common in wrestling storylines with heel/face 'turns'.
So, the final character line-up consists of;
Tezcatlipoca ‘The Smoking Mirror’

• God of night, death, cold & temptation
• Carries a smoking obsidian mirror
• Shape changes into MIXCOATL
•Associated with the night sky & hurricanes
• Sometimes his foot is depicted as being a bone or a snake
• His animal counterpart is the Jaguar
• Easily recognisable by the black stripes on his face
Mictlantecuhtli 'Lord of Mictlan'
• God of the dead
• Appears as a blood-spattered skeleton
• Skull head containing eyeballs
• Human bone ear spools
• Bones incorporated into his clothes and decoration
• Necklace made of human eyeballs
• Exposed liver that hangs down from his chest cavity
• Head dress with owl feathers

Xochipilli 'The Flower Prince'
• aka Chimomexochitl '7 Flower'
• God of flowers, pleasure,beauty, artistic creativity
• Tear drop pendents
• Red & Skinless
• Guards the souls of the dead, who turn into humming birds
• Patron of homosexuals
Quetzalcoatl ‘The Feathered Serpent’
• Giver of life
• Hero, king & priest
• Flying reptile (much like a dragon)
• Plumage along his body
• Plummed head dress and shield
• Red beak
Tlaloc ‘He Who Makes Things Sprout’
(tla- lock)
• God of Rain/Thunder/Earthquakes
• Used lightning bolts to make people sick
• Wore a net of clouds, crown of heron feathers
• Carried four jugs
• Rattle/Rattlesnake to make the thunder
Xiuhtecuhtli ‘The Turquoise Lord’
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