Wednesday 7 December 2016

Tutorial 6/12/16 - Draft Essay feedback

The draft version of my essay was probably not 'fully- formed' as was required, and i knew i'd need a lot of re-working and structure work to be done, but the feedback was pretty encouraging in terms of what i had done  and my triangulation and critical referencing.However i need to be careful that i don't turn the paper into a chronology of wrestling, as much that's what i'd like to make!

The draft verison became less & less structured just after the half way point, and the points i'm trying to make become a bit unclear, as i found myself a bit lost as to what direction to take next.

Draft essay w/ annotated feedback

Tutorial feedback

During the one-to-one tutorial, upon talking through my practical progress ( involving a lot of laser cut design ideas) was urged to not to lose sight of the content, characters and masks rather than focusing too much on producing laser cut solutions. "Don't get lost in laser cut" were the wise words from Fred - and i can see wheres he's coming from. As much as i'm having fun learning about a new production processes, and coming up with various ways of using them - im not going to pick up more marks for getting really good at laser cutting, so i shouldnt spend too much of my time doing so. In the real world, someone would do the lasercutting part for me, id simply supply/propose the design - so thats what i should be doing now. 

I still have a few woodwork sessions booked up before i break up for xmas as i want to get more familiar with the process, and to actually make some 'finished' products out of wood - i'll just have to remember to reign it in and not to devote too much time to something that may not massively help me in the long run.

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