Before i could start any work on the full body character poster designs, i had to first design and develop, then eventually fully vector-up the actual mask designs that my LuchaGods would each be wearing.
Que massive scamp session…(development and initial vector versions below)

I'd stated my intention to give the Luchadors more 'linguistically- friendly' ring names, as opposed to the tongue twisters they've all been given originally; i had a bit of a brainstorm with possible names, and thanks to Google english/spanish translator and my Lanazrote-born housemate ( who i enlisted for a second opinion on translations) i have now given these Gods new aliases.
With the mask designs all complete it's now a matter of ploughing on with the full body versions - though now I'm here, i would kind of like to spend more time experimenting with these versions rather than going off to and overcomplicating things where it really might not be necessary?
Must stick to my brief however!
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