Thursday 1 December 2016

'LuchaGod' - character/product development

With the design, development, further development, revisions, more further development and final imagery production for the 1st in my range of LuchaGods now complete im able to take the whole process and apply it to the remaining 5 Luchador deities; but hopefully i'm able to cut down on the amount of 'further development' (faffing) i need to do for these ones.

As the majority of the Gods i'm basing these characters on have near unpronounceable names (to the unversed) i'm considering coming up with snappier, alternative ring names to give them all. This will also lend itself to the 'kayfabe', alter ego/superhero aspect of the wrestlers. 

Here are the design and development boards for Xiuhtecuhtli aka 'X-Fuego'.

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