Friday 22 April 2016

Publication Development

As i set about producing the rest of the digital 'scamp' imagery that would form the content of my book, i also took a bit of time to try and formulate some sort of title for it. That came in the form of a very quick word association mind map thing, which was basically some scribblings in my notepad. But it did the trick!


• Rework • Borrowing • Steal • Twist • Minimal • 
Extracting • Abstracting • 'take what i want' • Product • Barcode •Digital

From these starting points, which are all words that refer to the contents within the book, there were two final possible titles to chose from.

Referring to the fact that i'm extracting the bits i want from these products, then making abstract, digital images from them. The missing letters also reflect  the 'extracting' of the parts i want to make something different, but still recognisable. 

Based on shop bought items - design mocks made using photoSHOP - I've 'lifted' the parts i want from these shop products, as a shoplifter would. 

After the draft imagery was completed and ready to be taken to the vector stage & whilst the ideas were still fresh in my mind,i played about with a simple logo/type treatment to go onto the front cover of the publication. I went with the SHOP LIFTED title as i felt it related more specifically to what i was doing here: 'stealing' (borrowing). The addition of the Mac PhotoShop hand-grab icon is to indicate the connection to digital art & the 'taking' of various elements to compose my own. 

Below is the mock-up book, of the mock-up designs that will be making for my final publication. I keep referring back to the quote by Ashlee Rubenstein, which I've also included at the front of the book. It may not be this 'famous quote' from a world renowned figure, but her words reflect exactly what I'm doing here - they also reassure me that what I've done isn't just copying the packaging of popular consumables, even though it is, a bit.

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