Getting a chance to look at the rest of the class' efforts was interesting - the majority seem to be in a similar boat; of having a number of rough ideas but nothing too developed or decided on, so it was hard to comment on some of them. On the other hand, i saw a number of books with a tonne of research & development, and felt rather envious of their (COP) time management skills, along with the general abitly to generate lots of ideas based on their essay. I had some positive feedback about my sketchbook offerings (which are fairly developed, just not exhaustive) and some valid questions;
"We can't follow the link between your essay and your practical work so far"
Fair point. I could see this being a problem without people having read my blog posts explaining the very, very slight connection between my practical work and my essay. I should've made some notes about it in my sketchbook as a short explanation to my thinking behind it all.
"How have i moved on from the first proposal to the second? What made you change your mind? Is your research still relevant"
The 1st proposal was the result of only having the most basic notes and ideas for an essay (when i should've been at the draft essay stage). The essay question was altered several times, but american B-movies and remakes still featured in there - albeit very briefly. My first proposal would've been exactly what we weren't supposed to do; illustrate our essay. With the new proposal and direction for the publication it's gone as far away from essay subject as you could go, whilst making sure there is somewhat of a connection to it.
"What is the title of the publication going to be. Does it have a message or purpose?"
Another good point. Although i hadn't forgotten about it, coming up with a title for the book is something i hadn't considered much as yet. I figured when all final imagery starts coming together then a suitable title will evolve. But it will have to be something that sums up what I'm trying to achieve, what i will have produced, as well the subject of the contents inside the book. I'm usually pretty good at coming up with media friendly, soundbite titles for my work so it's not something I'm fretting about too much yet. As for a message or purpose, i'd say it's message is to show how you can take away the majority of fine details from familiar everyday objects/products, to the point where they're reduced to merely snippets & squares of colour, but the viewer is still able to tell what the object is through the careful placement and colour of these shapes. It will also be my own take on the existing items, influenced by the work past abstract & minimalist artists.

Theres still plenty of time to get get this complete though, and i'm not feeling any panic just yet - I've got to the point where think I've settled on how i want the imagery to look, i have some quite well developed draft versions of some of the pages so i know what i need to do - its just a matter of of fast i can knock 12 pages of designs out, and how much time faffing i'll need to cater for. Ive gone down the minimalist avenue so in theory it should be achievable by next Thursday but I'm sue ill come up with new ideas and design solutions between now and then to give me some decisions headaches, but this weekend is crucial.If the majority of the imagery is done & dusted by Monday i think I've given myself a good shot at submitting in completion on time. Well, the practical side anyway - if all goes to plan then this will also give me enough time to finish off the written response.
The thinking from now 'till submission next week will be;
"Plan the dive (work), dive (work) the plan" -F.Bates
and to basically
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