Saturday 13 February 2016

What Makes a Good Proposal?

Not having an essay, draft or otherwise to work from (just a small amount of notes & quotes relating to the essay question i'd come up with)ideas for my 5 hotdog books were thin on the ground. We presented our initial ideas in small groups, and it was a good chance to see what everyone one was making of the practical side of the module. The majority of them seemed pretty unsure what they wanted to do, but that might just have been because i happened to be in a group of people who were also struggling a bit with their essay question? But in all honesty, i don't think anyone could dying on their arse as much as me at this point in time. 

Notes from the studio group session-


Your essay question
Elevator pitch
Orgainised collation of ideas
Specificity - Be consice. No waffle
Why? How? What?
Ideas/ Themes
Clear outcomes


Why? Justification
Methodology. How? Materials & what techniques
Outcome. Potential

Proposal should be able to be conveyed in 2 paragraphs of writing. 


Afer the session Pete had sit down with me to get an insight to just what the bloody hell i'd been up to (or hadn't). He also helped me to make my essay question more focused, as my current title could fill up books of writing. We had an interesting talk about sci-fi films of the past century and came up with the new questions of ; 

'To what extent are the dystopian visions of the future as depicted in 
sci-fi films influenced by  current or past events & issues


'To what extent do Science fiction films reflect the socio-political 
climate of the time they were made in?'

It was a really useful encounter, and one i know i should've really made months ago. Even with the new focused direction to aim my essay at, it's still only the title I've got to work with.What with the proposals for the practical response also due, and having done no sketchbook work, and with deadlines due in my other modules, if it wasn't looking an uphill(vertical) struggle to get this done before the draft hand-in failure, then don't know what it looks like. now?!

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