Wednesday 17 February 2016

Study Task- 3 Planning and Structuring an Essay

Suggested Research Question.
To what extent are the dystopian visions of the future as depicted in 
sci-fi films influenced by  current or past events & issues

Which Academic Sources will you reference?
At the moment finding any actual, real-life books about the subject is proving quite hard, with only articles written 
online referenced so far.

What Images Illustrations will you analyse?

Visions of the future, dystopian or otherwise - illustrated or brought to life in films. 
Watching films about dystopian futures will help, but the list is endless!

Include at least one piece of Illustration to analyse in depth (but no more than three)

Essay Map
Using the Study Task Handout, construct an essay map outlining the FOUR main points of your argument.

This essay map should include a sentence which states your thesis, and how it will be addressed. It should also include FOUR sentences, each outlining a different element of your central argument.
You should also refer to how this essay map links to the key sources that you have highlighted and the example(s) of Illustration practice.

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