Thursday 12 January 2017

Final Resolution & Proposal boards…

Here are final presentation boards for the Gods & Creatures  LuchaGods LuchaGod Squad empire.

LuchaGod Squad final Project Boards

General thoughts reflecting on my practical output is , as always, is 'i should've/could've done more!?!'

I wished allowed myself enough time to create the mocks for entire product range of every LuchaGod Squad character - whether this would've been totally necessary  or not i'm not sure - my mind has really had a tendency to wander off and think of new ideas to pursue, and i often lost focus of the core task; to create 6 CHARACTER PRINTS!  This said, i'm pleased overall with how the final images look, especially with the 300gsm digital prints and also my first venture in to laser etching ( both included with final submission). Ive gained new technical knowhow from this that i'll definitely be taking on to the next semester and in my future projects.

I really had fun with every aspect of this brief from the continuous character design & development with accompanying mask icons/logos - to the eventual design conception of a cohesive 'brand' ,complete with custom packaging.

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