Friday 6 January 2017

Final peer crit

Final peer crit, and i thought this would be a good chance to have a real look at the final practical responses that everyone has been slaving away over - unfortunately, the time we were given to walk around the studio wasn't very long at all (10 mins) and i couldn't have looked at more than 3 -4 people's work, which was a real shame, so unless i scroll through all their blogs I'm not likely to get a good look at all the concepts and production work they came up with.

There were a few useful feedback notes from my peer group at this late stage in regards to how i could improve my presentation boards - which I'd somewhat overlooked due to being still totally focused on the physical production aspect of the project. Reading through them they made good a point that I'd failed to make any notes of what my actual brief is, so for anyone who didn't have a clue about what I'd been working fon or the last 3 months would find it a bit tricky to decipher. 
So I will make sure to address that in my final boards, which will be a definitive collection of fully branded & printedA3 research/design/development/production/proposal boards; documenting the major stages of the whole practical project. 

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