Monday 21 March 2016

Learning support

To say a visit to student support was a bit late in the day is a giant understatement, but i did finally seek some guide dance regarding my essay, and the production of it.

Came away some with notes and help tips about structure etc etc, so hopefully this will give me a better of what the hell I'm doing.

Session summary-

Title: How American horror films from the 50s reflect the social and political situation at the time

Words: 3000

Organised chronological research – too many films at the moment – need to whittle it down, make it more focused

Introduction (roughly 300 words):
-       Introducing your subject, what the essay will contain, questions it aims to answer
-       Outline the sources, the films, directors, theorists you will reference

Main body:
-       Background on the political/social situation in America at the time and how this influenced the horror industry generally – might use a couple of quotations to support this
-       Analysis of film 1 – story line, style, technical/production observations, how this impacts the style, social commentary
-       Analysis of film 2 – all above, but also comparisons to previous
-       Analysis of film 3 – all of above, but comparisons to 1 and 2 – how did certain styles develop/ how did the political situation change/how did this affect the film?
-       Summarising what the essay has explored, key comparisons, key features/styles of film, key political/social changes/events that impacted on film
-       Not saying anything new
Use film stills as images to reference – use figure 1…

Citations – make sure you cite all your findings – quotes and paraphrasing e.g. (Smith, 2002, p.20) or ‘Smith has stated that…(2002, p.20)]
Watch out for referencing films as this is different to books – use film title instead of director

Harvard Referencing:

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