Friday 11 March 2016

Essay research & development

Better late than never. Actually I'm not sure about that, but there is progress of sorts, involving me making notes of starting points and things to research into.

- Start with a bit about the growth of suburbia, Suburbs starting growing rapidly from 1945
(find quotes info about this)

- What makes 'suburban values' different to other peoples values, and why.
Suburbia- ordered, neat, all have own space. Part of a community, but clearly marked boundaries between. Neat, rather than chaos of city.

1940s, America's biggest external threat was Communist Russia.why?
find a book explaining the rise of the Soviet Union during and after WW2    

- Cold War. background info & quotes. 

- 1945 Abombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki ,show of strength from US to Russia

- 1940s- fear of 'alien' invasion.Increased fears brought about ny Senator McCarthy 'founder' of McCarthyism. he spearheaded a communist witch hunt of prominent american figures. Actors, directors, artists.

- Films of 50s- how they reflected this threat:

war of the worlds (1953) - WATCH- is there any brainwashing in it? This could be linked to the idea that Soviet citizens were brainwashed.

Invasion of the body snatchers (1953) - enemy walks among us. Aliens- slave to leader. McCarthyist tones.


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