Tuesday 23 August 2016

506: Research Lecture

Despite all the practical work i'd much rather do with my life, it's probably time i start to at least accept the fact that I'm going to have to write this bloody 9k word dissertation about god knows what, at that it's going to be lurking over my head, ruining my life until February, if I'm lucky.

Dug up some notes/bulletpoints/keywords from LibraryMaster Chris' COP3 lecture at the end of term which I've typed up as some way of hopefully getting the wheels turning..?

COPAC - Library catalogue, British Library

SCONAL ACCESS - this allows you to use other uni libraries in the country

Keywords when working out Dissertation titles;


Diss titles - 

"Did Western society ever need cars; are they a necessity 
and how have they contributed to the formation of the urban environment?"


"How have cars contributed to the formation of the urban environment?" is a seperate question in itself. 

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Research Methods

Visual Practice - Experiment - Interest & Enquiry ( research & critical diaries)

Questionnaires ( quantitive/qualititive)


Case Study

Site Visits

Literature Search


Literature Search;

Knowing where to look most effectively

Effective use of catalogues
  - narrowing & broadening search terms
  - using related terms
  - browsing using Dewey Decimal Classification

Use of contents page & index

Reading the introduction of abstract




The British Library in Boston Spa : www.bl.uk


JSTOR - journals etc, need an Athens login and password

Search Bar > put phrase in "commas"

ATHENS; store of password protected sites
                access to e-books
GOOGLE SCHOLAR - PDF articles available


- Create a sense of momentum, not taking a draft section when you can.

- Start your Bibliography straight away!

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