Dug up some notes/bulletpoints/keywords from LibraryMaster Chris' COP3 lecture at the end of term which I've typed up as some way of hopefully getting the wheels turning..?
COPAC - Library catalogue, British Library
SCONAL ACCESS - this allows you to use other uni libraries in the country
Keywords when working out Dissertation titles;
Diss titles -
"Did Western society ever need cars; are they a necessity
and how have they contributed to the formation of the urban environment?"
"How have cars contributed to the formation of the urban environment?" is a seperate question in itself.
CLASS POWER 1 or 2 related
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STATUS ------- ROLE OF COSTUME --------------WITHIN--------------------- A TASTE OF
HONEY (dvd)
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UNIFORM | fim costume
Research Methods
Visual Practice - Experiment - Interest & Enquiry ( research & critical diaries)
Questionnaires ( quantitive/qualititive)
Case Study
Site Visits
Literature Search
Literature Search;
Knowing where to look most effectively
Effective use of catalogues
- narrowing & broadening search terms
- using related terms
- browsing using Dewey Decimal Classification
Use of contents page & index
Reading the introduction of abstract
The British Library in Boston Spa : www.bl.uk
JSTOR - journals etc, need an Athens login and password
Search Bar > put phrase in "commas"
ATHENS; store of password protected sites
access to e-books
GOOGLE SCHOLAR - PDF articles available
- Create a sense of momentum, not taking a draft section when you can.
- Start your Bibliography straight away!