Saturday 18 April 2015

35 Points Related to my essay...


"It doesn't feel as satisfying just doing things on screen anymore. I like the long process of making work physically” (Anthony Burrill, graphic artist)

Handmade: Made by hand, not by machine, and typically therefore of superior quality’.
(the dictionary)

“Say goodbye to nasty prints of pebbles from a Swedish furniture store. It’s time to bring down that crappy Banksy rip off you bought from ebay. No more mild mannered Monet’s or ropey reprinted Rothko’s. We are about to shout from the highest rooftop that at last there is a choice!” (

"Now I use my hands because I want mistakes, quirks and imperfections ­ those qualities give my work warmth. Keep in mind that, at different times in history, that warmth could’ve got you fired”​ (Perry,M. 2007)

"In a world still making up its mind about the impact digital technology will have on the art marketplace, trying to sell a GIF or a website is almost an act of conceptual art in itself "​
(Sedgman,S. 2014)​.


The name of the company, Adobe, comes from Adobe Creek in Los Altos, California, which ran behind the houses of both of the company's founders.
There's are an estimated 300 full time sign writers working in the UK.
The original Coca­-Cola logo was designed by Frank Mason Robinson in 1885.
Benjamin Franklin started what was considered the first zines in the 18th century, for a psychiatric hospital in Pennsylvania, which was distributed amongst staff and patients.

1440, Johannes Gutenburg invents the Printing Press,and is widely regarded as one the most influential inventions of the second millennium.

In 1907, Samuel Simon receives what is recognized by many as the first patent for the screen-printing process.

In September 1988, Photoshop was first demonstrated at Adobe Hq and was officially released exclusively for Macintosh on Feb 19 1990,becoming its flagship product.

Esty is launched  in June 2005, in a Brooklyn apartment by Robert Kalin, Chris Maguire & Haim Schoppik.

Jeff Koons’s Balloon Dog sells for $58.4m in 2013 – the most expensive artwork ever sold by a living artist


Thomas and John Knoll, inventors of Photoshop.

Benjamin Frankin, publisher of the fist ever zine.

Johannes Gutenburg, inventor of the Printing Press.

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web.

John Warnock and Charles Geschke, founders of Adobe Systems Inc.

Photoshop 1.0

Stefan Sagmeister's AIGA poster

5 pebbles canvas by Ikea

The first Coca-Cola logo, 1885

Jeff Koons' Orange balloon dog

The printing press - 1440

Photoshop - 1988

The Xerox Machine - 1959

The World Wide Web - 1989

Vinyl cutting machines - late 70's early 80's


Los Angeles Trade Technical College

Los Altos, California

The Holy Roman Empire 


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