Sunday 26 October 2014

Visual Discourse Analysis

After further thought, i feel that i should try and look into some pieces of work that weren't so recent and had a bit of history & meaning behind them, rather than simply looking excellent and have high levels of craftsmanship involved - which, one the whole, is what attracts me to a piece of art or illustration usually. Is that shallow, i don't know..?!

Whilst having a long old library explore, amongst the Lichtenstein, Dali and Ernst books i came across the work of Keith Haring - who's work i recognised but had no knowledge of the man or his art. I found myself drawn into his books and even went home to research further, also watched the documentary film about him, The Universe of Keith Haring (2008). The guy drew about so many issues, and his line work and style really appealed to me. So i've decided to leave the subject of Technology and focus more on Culture, with my discourse analysis to be written about a Keith Haring piece.

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