"From the Streets to $heet$ : Street Art & the commercial crossover"
SIGNIFICANCE: This will prove to be interesting research as, depending on who you ask or where you research, there is view that street art or graffiti, what ever activist, political, social or personal views is my be conveying is merely vandalism.On the flip-side, some see a street artist or 'smart vandal' make the transition from the city walls to the high-end art gallery (or beyond) and label them a "SELL OUT" who is only really making art for money making purposes.Hopefully with some in-depth reading and research i can differentiate between the two generalisations and from my own clearer opinion on the subject.
PRIMARY & SECONDARY RESOURCES: As i've only recently finalised my theme my resource list is currently quite short (see below), but as well as these titles i will be looking for interviews with artists,gallery owners, journalists who worked or are working in the street art scene and are part of the culture and have some valuable opinions, also possible interviews or documentaries online on YouTube etc...
Crommelin,C. (2013) 'New Street Art'. China. Vivays Publishing Ltd
Gavin, F. (2007) 'Street Renegades: New Underground Art'. London. Laurence King Publishing Ltd
Fletcher, A. (2001) 'The Art of Looking Sideways'. UK.Phaidon Press
Ellsworth-Jones,W. (2013) 'Banksy: The man behind the wall'. UK. Aurum Press
Gruem, J. (1992) 'Keith Haring: The Authorised Biography'. Prentice Hall & IBD
Bofkin, Dr L. (2014) 'Concrete Canvas: how street art is changing the way our cites look' .Cassell.
Haden-Guest, A. (2014) 'Graffiti Artists turn on Banksy: The Rise of Art Hate' (internet) The Daily Beast <http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/08/06/graffiti-artists-turn-on-banksy-the-rise-of-art-hate.html > [accessed December '14]
METHODS: I will research further into the history and the current state of the street art/graffiti scene, from the unseen, unknown members to the mainstream cross-over kings raking in big buck for their smart vandalisms.I'll also gather the views and opinions from reliable views from authors, journalists, the artists themselves etc...
LIMITATIONS: I guess the limitations with this subject matter is there are no real limitations,as wether someone is a vandal or a money grabbing sellout, or wether graffiti-style street art is or isnt 'art' is largely opinion based, so the debate could and had gone on forever. So in that sense i may have chosen a bit of an open-ended subject to try and prove or disprove. But as its still early days i could always redirect my investigation to be a bit more specific.
• Intro (300/350 words)
This will be a break down of the general subject that i'll be discussing and trying to prove/disprove/create a more solid understanding of and a delve into the various sides of the discussion, pro/anti consumerism & commercialism, and indeed pro/anti street art in general.
• Main body (2000/2500 words)
• Visual Examples
Shepard Fairey
Keith Haring
Eric Haze
• Conclusion (300/400 words)
Summarise the main points of the essay subject matter & see if it's given me a more solid opinion on these sell out street artist, or not.