Sunday, 1 November 2015

Find, observe, record

We were send out for a hour to go and find somewhere in town or the immediate area and observe and record what i found there. Now, don't have a clue what I even want to look into, so i had no idea where to wonder of to. But i headed into the city centre area, where i ended up in Home Bargains, naturally. By the time i actually got there i didn't really have time to do much apart from look at all the 'characters' that inhabited the place, and ask myself "what the hell has brought me to this place?" We're only a month or so in to this module and already i haven't the foggiest about what I'm doing with my life, or how i'm going to make it though COP until May. 

I did observe that the 'Crisps' aisle is directly opposite to the 'Party' aisle.